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Utility Market Data Management
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Discover the data and tools that will transform your business

With over 30 years of building Energy and Commodity Data Management and Curve Building software, we have the knowledge and understanding to build world-class tools. We cover all aspects of data within the Utility industry from collection to building forecasts.

  • IOT
  • Alerting
  • Mobile App
  • Geo Mapping

Water and sewerage company

Monitoring water pipeline flows in order to quickly respond to potential leaks requires real-time sensor data to be collected and automatically analyzed. Millions of datapoints need to be processed every day

Using OpenDataDSL, the company can feed in sensor data, create simple logic in the ODSL language to alert technicians when thresholds are breached. Using the Geo-mapping capability, they can pinpoint the exact location and enter notes in the field using their mobile device

Global Access
Improve access from anywhere using cloud-based web and mobile applications

Geo Mapping
Assign physical geo locations to your assets to aid engineers in the field

Use event-driven processes to alert technicians when critical thresholds have been breached

Time Sensitive
When critical infrastructure begins to fail, you need to get information to engineers ASAP

Web Portal - Geo Tagging

Geo-Tag any data!

Take your data visualisation to the next level by geo-tagging your documents; filter on any properties and drill down to data-mine any linked information

Bring your data to life and make locational data easy to use

Web Portal - Visualisation

Make the most of your data

Create data models that help you navigate your data like never before - search, browse and visualise documents, timeseries and forward curves

Get a complete view of every document and make it easy for your business to fully exploit them

Web Portal - Monitoring

Monitor your processes in real-time

Create scheduled or data-driven workflows and scripts to capture, transform and load data

Easily build workflows for ETL and integration with your ETRM system.

Excel Add-in

Read/Write Market data In Excel

Create, read and update all your data directly from within your own Excel spreadsheets

Available for both desktop and web Excel

Find out more

Easy 4GL Language

Powerful scripting language

Let your creativity shine with our easy yet powerful scripting language. Use our VS Code extension to make coding easy with intellsense, syntax highlighting, code snippets, breakpoints and debugging

Perform aggregations like this one with ease!

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Who are we?

Our Story

Our Story

After many years of building and using data management systems, we condensed all this knowledge into a domain specific language which encapsulates all aspects of data management in a simple and intuitive way.

Our Vision

Our Vision

Our vision is to make high quality, flexible and low cost data modelling, management and reporting tools for all sizes of businesses and all types of markets.

Our Technology

Our Technology

As a cloud SAAS company, we leverage elastic scaling and serverless technology to provide high quality, high performance, world scale software and services.

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