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· 5 min read
Colin Hartley

Starting a Data Management project?

Do you decide to buy from a software vendor or build from scratch?

Maybe there is a better way?

· 4 min read
Colin Hartley

What are Smart Curves?

Smart Curves are a revolutionary new way to create your own Forward Curves.

Read on to find out how they work.

· 2 min read
Dr. Anja Vinzelberg

The Golden Connection: Exploring the Data-Rich World of Precious Metals

In a world of economic uncertainty and fluctuating markets, precious metals have often emerged as a safe haven for investors seeking stability and wealth preservation. The most widely recognized precious metals are gold, silver, platinum, and palladium, although other metals such as rhodium and iridium are also considered precious.

· 5 min read
Colin Hartley

Keeping data secure

In this blog, we talk about the importance of security within a data management platform.

We also showcase all the security features in OpenDataDSL.

· 5 min read
Dr. Anja Vinzelberg

Navigating the World of Currencies and Exchange Rates

The topic of currencies and exchange rates is a dynamic landscape influenced by multiple factors, including economic indicators, geopolitical events, and investor sentiment. Effectively navigating the currency market can lead to strategic advantages, risk mitigation, and enhanced financial decision-making.

· 6 min read
Colin Hartley

Smart Reporting

In this blog, we talk about Smart Reports, what they are and how to create them in OpenDataDSL.

We also give an overview of the important aspects and benefits of data reporting in general.

· 7 min read
Dr. Anja Vinzelberg

Weather isn't just sun and rain!

In this blog, we present how we handle massive amounts of complex weather data in our data management software.

We show you how we can deal with thousands of weather stations producing a wide variety of actual and forecasted metrics.

· 6 min read
Colin Hartley

Master Data Management (MDM)

In this blog, we talk about the most important piece of the data jigsaw - Master Data and the management of it using the OpenDataDSL Master Data Management Platform.

· 6 min read
Dr. Anja Vinzelberg

Using simple linear regression for hedging futures contracts

In this blog, we present simple linear regression and how it can be used for hedging in futures trading.

· 5 min read
Colin Hartley

Event-driven use case

In this blog, we show you how you can model a real-world business use case using event-driven data flows in OpenDataDSL.

Part 2 - Validating and publishing trader curves to an ETRM system

· 7 min read
Colin Hartley

Event-driven use case

In this blog, we show you how you can model a real-world business use case using event-driven data flows in OpenDataDSL.

Part 1 - Building a forward curve and sending an email newsletter

· 5 min read
Dr. Anja Vinzelberg

Serial Correlation Analysis

In this blog, we show you how to convert OpenDataDSL timeseries into matrices and then perform a serial correlation to show how intra-timeseries correlations can help predict future price movements.

· 6 min read
Dr. Anja Vinzelberg

Create insights using SMART Timeseries

In this blog we show you how to easily add logic to your time series data in OpenDataDSL to gain insights into which industries have made the greatest return on an investment.

· 5 min read
Colin Hartley

Extensive and reliable data conversion

In this blog, we show you how OpenDataDSL makes currency, unit, calendar, timezone and precision conversion simple.

· 5 min read
Colin Hartley

Making calendars work for you

In this blog, we show you how to create OpenDataDSL calendars using Artificial Intelligence, why it is important to use calendar rules and how to use calendars in price calculations.

· 6 min read
Dr. Anja Vinzelberg

Do you know how COVID-19 affected your industry?

In this blog, we show you how to use OpenDataDSL matrices and Excel to analyse 17 Industry Portfolios for 2 time-frames: pre COVID-19 and during COVID-19.